This is the starting point for Mikes' blog...
...on his birthday!
Branching out, beyond Facebook...
This is an assisted blog, a QCS hosted project
one that will never be subject to censorship
by Facebook or unfriendly naysayers. It's all for Mike!
The pursuit of happiness, is the American way.
Continuing on with life with ALS sharing observations; innumerable challenges and adversities.
This section is in draft form, and will highlight issues, resolutions, milestones, memories from earlier times.
Mostly from earlier Facebook posts, curated to accentuate the positive and fix what hasn't worked.
And for the satifaction of this blogs ultimate author, Mike.
January 2022
Alis Aquilae
From Isaiah 40:
"But those who wait for the Lord shall find their strength renewed, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint."