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          originally published 5-1-2023


      By W. Douglas Dechert

      I recently had the privilege of speaking with Robert F. Kennedy Jr and now I'll share my thoughts on the man and his candidacy for the Democrat nomination for the 2024 presidential election.

      Bobby, (as I'll now refer to him) is likely to be one of the two most important politicians, along with Donald J. Trump, in our deeply troubled era.

      Bobby has devoted a lifetime of service to this republic, and while I've been deeply critical of some of his causes in the past (his promotion of wind power, for example), he's shown himself to be stalwart in espousing ideas and truths that are so contrary to the insane, irrational, and even deadly policies and programs the predatory establishment has foisted on our people, that he's been vilified by the corporate/government controlled mass media and even shunned by craven members of his own family.

      He is definitely the highest profile public figure to challenge the pious orthodoxies of the crony capitalist greedhead financiers who rule our deep state installed elected officials and their armies of bureaucratic handmaidens.

      By taking on the devastating so called "vaccine" regimen imposed upon us by the all powerful BIG PHARMA, he's bravely unleashed a Pandora's box of demonic nemeses calumnying him with false accusations of being a "conspiracy theorist " (the modern code phrase for delusional whacko). Ironically, that very term gained significance as a denigration of those who were skeptical of the Warren Commission's "lone gunman" official explanation of his uncle, John Kennedy's assassination.

      His positions constitute a litany of truly populist notions. On top of standing up for the civil rights of the people on "vaccine" mandates and devastating unconstitutional power grabs, he champions the rights of those he calls "serfs" trodden down by "big money" in a myriad of nefarious ways.

      In regard to the existential threats we face from our most militaristic foreign adversaries, he wisely challenges the neocon uniparty push to embroil us in the territorial dispute between Russia and its former province Ukraine and when I asked him to compare that danger with what we face with our involvement in Taiwan's struggle to defend itself against Communist China's aggression, he calmly stated that "We are not in a war but we do have a long standing security agreement with Taiwan."

      Here are some trenchant quotes where Bobby has decried the powers that be:

      "The partnerships of corporations and governments to swindle and gaslight the public."

      "The reckless military adventurism-for-profit campaign that has bankrupted the USA, now culminating in the Ukraine fiasco."

      "The botched response to Covid-19 and the corporate chicanery that induced it."

      "The financial corruption that is driving America into inflation and bankruptcy."

      It's critical to understand the similarities and differences between left populism and right populism. Rightist populism supports the needs of the blue collar working class with policies that favor low taxes, smaller government with less spending, reduced foreign military adventurism, less corporate subsidies, rational immigration control and enforcement, less regulation of business and land usage, less social engineering for the chimeric goal of "diversity" and above all, the dismantling of the WELFARE STATE that promulgates the 100 million or so underclass of permanently unproductive dependents on the largess of bureaucrats doling out our hard earned money.

      Bobby represents a new left populism that reacts to the excesses of the radical left which has captured our central government and many state governments for 50 years. It's a populism that also aims to help the working and middle classes with policies that eschew the overreach of big government and its polluted fealty to big, now international, business. It's a left populism that aims to revive civil liberties and respects the Constitution. However, it still has its roots in what I think of as the Democrat party's liberalism of the 1950s, that shaped his uncle's and fathers world view, back when his party still had common sense approaches to our problems and an America first sensibility tempered by an idealism that reached for truly equal rights and justice for all.

      The handicapping of the primary horse race comes down to the Democrat National Committee's ability to shield their pathetic puppet figurehead from close attention, (another "basement campaign" if you will) vs. the mythic

      Kennedy political brand. Both the mass media and the social media will continue to both smother and smear him, while hoping that the bulk of ‘low info" voters remain unaware of his existence and "memory hole" the ideals that his uncle and father espoused.

      Let's not forget that The Tea Party movement which emerged under Obama was composed of a bipartisan groundswell of honest citizens that gave Donald Trump's insurgent populism its strong tailwind and shocked the uniparty establishment with its unpredictable results and maybe Bobby's campaign can do the same.

      Many of my media colleagues who are quietly sympathetic to this legacy adamantly insist that today's young voters have absolutely no recollection of that legacy and will be unmoved by it. Even if that's so, it could change over the coming months and it's up to his campaign to facilitate such a generational evolution.

      Finance will be a hurdle because the usual Democrat mega donors won't touch him; there'll be no covert baksheesh from the Chinese Communist Party, nothing from BLACKROCK or VANGUARD and their big cap corporate subsidiaries, no dark money, no Hollywood glamor money, no foreign money and not even any Republican establishment money either, even though it would be rational to support him as an antidote to the radical woke/left (because both parties' establishments now serve the same masters).

      It's impossible to rule out a meaningful surge of support from honest citizens of both parties. In fact, I was personally able to introduce a group of leading Palm Beach investment bankers to Tony Lyons, the director of the Kennedy Super PAC. They happen to share Libertarian ideals which make them slightly distaff among their Corporatist Conservative cohorts and one of them even made it up to the Boston campaign announcement rally last week where I introduced him to a New York Post reporter who quoted him thusly: ‘Perry Gregoriou, a professional investor from Palm Beach, invoked part of Kennedy's speech about fighting corporate corruption after the rally. "The biggest problem in the world is totalitarianism and that comes from collusion between the government and large corporations," Gregoriou told The Post from the hotel coffee shop. "They are the threat to this republic and the individual sovereignty of everyone that lives in it. I like Bobby because he's focused on the actual problem, which is that criminals have taken over society." ‘

      Polling results, which are notoriously fallible, are already telling an interesting story. Upon his candidacy announcement in mid April, Bobby was getting 14% of Democrat voters and by April 27th, that tabulation had already risen to 19%, a figure that marks a quick, even meteoric, upsurge. Furthermore, April 28th's Reuter's polls show Biden with an all time low of 37% approval from the general population. This would suggest that there's plenty of room for improvement in Bobby's share as more Democrats become aware of his entrance.

      If the Trump supporting Democrats show up for Bobby in the primaries we could see a lot of states, even blue states in play. Imagine if millions of older black Americans were to resonate with a sentimental attachment to the civil rights brand established by Bobby pÄ—re during the 60s Great Society days too?

      Eventually, if his campaign gains any real and noticeable momentum, the attacks will focus on his character and while I believe that character is indeed important in a national leader, in this day and age such considerations must take a backseat to a man's ability to correct the profound miscourse our tyrant class has set us on. When it comes to the optics liabilities of his personal life, Bobby proactively used dry wit to inoculate himself in his masterful and extemporaneous two hour long campaign announcement speech. "God knows I have skeletons in my closet and if those skeletons could vote I'd win in a landslide!" Sadly, it's safe to say that the D.N.C. and its minions have millions of skeletons on their voter rolls ready to come out with the force of an army of the dead.

      And speaking of Democrat vote fraud and dirty tricks, their latest unethical machinations include a new wrinkle; the stated plan to move their first primary from New Hampshire to South Carolina, a state calculated to favor the stumbling, mumbling incumbent over the smaller New Hampshire, a state that Bobby noted is "a rough and tumble center of hands on retail politics." Could we face a first time primary schism where Republicans hold fast to their traditional first primary state while Democrats hold their sham primary down south? Time to lawyer up and let the courts decide on the arcana of election law!

      The D.N.C. has a charter that makes it responsible to registered Democrats in a fiduciary sense to give them meaningful choices between its candidates through free and fair primary elections with actual debates and an unrigged process and it's in the greater citizenry's interest to use law and the courts to roll back these egregious violations of their duties.

      Finally, when it comes to the tactical consideration of potential running mates, because of my unique access to the Kennedy campaign, I have it on good authority that Tulsi Gabbard is under consideration. What a wise choice would that be?

      Now would be the time for all right thinking patriots to give their total support to this flawed but honest man who represents the only and last chance for the Democrat party to redeem itself in a fair primary election that could yield the first presidential election in generations where both major party candidates have America's best interests at heart, so that they can square off to vie for the leadership of what still can be the finest nation in the history of our world.


          originally published 9-3-2021

      Dimon Jim

      By Douglas Dechert

      James "Jamie" Dimon, the head of JP Morgan Bank is today raising eyebrows with his continuing alarmism about the sham crisis over the "debt ceiling". He's saying that there will be an economic catastrophe if the Democrats don't get their progressive/communist 20 trillion dollar pork "infrastructure " spending done through the chicanery and legerdemain of legislative expansion deficit spending. The democrats hold enough seats to commit this criminal theft from the people's treasury all on their own but they desperately want the political cover of "bipartisan" support and thus far the Republicans have been remarkably firm in not acquiescing to the demands for their compliance. They simply don't want to be blameable when the disastrous consequences of this travesty manifest themselves!

      Enter Dimon, the longstanding shill for THE GLOBALIST DEEP STATE DESTROY AMERICA puppet masters, whose squawking is the next step in the pressuring of the Republican patriots. What he wants desperately is to provide cover for the Democrats as well as for Bush/Cheney New World Order Republican Rhinos when he argues that the spendaholic Democratic party should never have to face any limits on their profligacy!

      "Every single time this comes up, it gets fixed, but we should never even get this close," Dimon said. "I just think this whole thing is mistaken and one day we should just have a bipartisan bill and get rid of the debt ceiling. It's all politics."

      Dimon has been promoting extremist policies throughout his career in finance and his greed is of the sort that gives Wall Street parasites a bad name. He's been facilitating the transfer of our manufacturing and technology to China for 35 years and he's led the corporate sponsorship of the racist marxist violent psychopaths of BLM as well.

      These tropes have been with him from his early youth and I know, because I attended The Browning School in Manhattan on 62nd Street between Madison and Park Avenues from '66 through '69 and unfortunately it it wasn't exclusive enough to keep nouveau rich parvenus like Dimon and his smaller fraternal twin brother out of the desks in my class. Dimon was a loud pushy outer borough type with a grating accent and a mild speech impediment (which you can still hear today because he talks like " Bawny Fwank", the dead former crooked Massachusetts congressman.)

      The late 60s in New York were a "youthquake '' hotbed of hard left radicalism and we were all as school children at least temporarily influenced by the zeitgeist. In fact my entire class was recruited to run rampant at the Columbia Draft Riots by a long haired S.D.S. villain who was ushered into our homeroom by our english teacher Peter Gable (son of the leftist actor Martin Gable). I was excited to be tear gassed while throwing bricks at cops the next day.

      While my embrace of the mayhem was short lived, Dimon's was deeper and probably nurtured by his parents. He was an in-your-face atheist even back then and so obnoxious about it to the degree that we had fistfights in the schoolyard where his little twin would try to pin my arms from behind and the classic coward's tag team play.

      It's a damn shame his recent heart attack didn't compel a proper retirement.


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