One Ascan       

        Working Group Proposal 

Propose a Working Group

    Overview of Community Working Groups for 1 Ascan

    Defining a Community Working Group:

    - A Community Working Group provides advice, service, and assistance to the Board and Coop and carries out duties and responsibilities as specified by a Board approved Community Working Group proposal.

    - A Community Working Group can be proposed by any shareholder

    - A Community Working Group must have 1 Board member (referred to after this point as the Community Working Group's Board Chair) participating who can report back to the Board. The Board Chair does not have to lead the Community Working Group but should be actively involved.

    - Other than the Board Chair, the rest of the Community Working Group does not have to be composed of Board members (though Board members are welcome to join if they'd like).

    - A Community Working Group must have 1 person identified as the Group Leader. This person can be the Board Chair. However, it does not have to be the Board Chair and can be a shareholder not on the Board who is interested in leading the Community Working Group. If the Board Chair does not wish to be the leader, they will select a leader.

    - Any opportunity to join a Community Working Group should be made available to all shareholders and residents of 1 Ascan. Shareholders and residents should be provided with equitable access to information about how to join the Community Working Group. Shareholders and residents should have at least 7-10 days between learning about the opportunity to join the Community Working Group and the first "meeting date" for the Community Working Group.

    Role of Community Working Groups Board Chair

      The Community Working Group Board Chairs role is to:

    • Propose (or work with proposing shareholder to propose) the purpose and goal for the Community Working Group and get Board approval to launch the Community Working Group.
    • Propose (or work with proposing shareholder to propose) a high-level budget estimate for the Community Working Groups project. (While this does not have to be an exact budget- in order to ensure that Community Working Groups are created purposefully and are a good use of time for all involved, an approximation of needed funding is required at the time of creation such that the Board is committing to funding the project or workstream in creating the Community Working Group.)
    • Determine (or work with proposing shareholder to determine) the number of Community Working Group members needed and recruit members and assign roles and responsibilities within the Community Working Group including identifying the leader if the Board Chair does not wish to be the leader.
    • Work with the Community Working Group to propose the work the Community Working Group will complete through the assigned project or workstream. Community Working Groups should, through the Board Chair, submit a proposal to the Board for their project with timeframes for work, proposed budget etc.
    • Select the Community Working Group Leader (if different from the Board Chair) and collaborate with the leader to hold meetings as necessary with the Community Working Group in order to achieve goals.
    • Serve as the liaison between the Community Working Group and the Board i.e. bringing the Community Working Groups proposal to the Board, working with the Board to get approval for budget/purposes, providing regular updates to the Board on the work of the Community Working Group and progress toward goals, etc.
    • Determines when the Community Working Groups work has been completed and the group can be disbanded.

    Role of Community Working Group Leader
    (if different from Board Chair):

    If the Board Chair opts not to lead the Community Working Group, the Board Chair may select a leader. The leader may be the shareholder who proposed the Community Working Group or may be selected from other Community Working Group members.

    The Community Working Group Leaders' role is to:

  • Plan and lead meetings
  • Collaborate with Board Chair to designate roles and responsibilities
  • Collaborate with Board Chair in developing the budget that will be submitted to the Board
  • Ensure Community Working Group members follow through on designated roles and responsibilities and monitor progress toward meeting goals
  • Collaborate with Board Chair to ensure the Board receives regular updates on the work of the Community Working Group

    Creating a Community Working Group:

    - A Community Working Group can be created in one of two ways:

    1) The Board may determine the need for a Community Working Group based on ongoing priorities in the coop. Community Working Groups may be temporary (for a few months) for a specific project or long term (for a full year or season) for an ongoing project.
    2) An individual or group of shareholders may propose a Community Working Group to the Board.

    - Any shareholder or member of the Board of directors will use the following process to propose a Community Working Group:

  • A Board member who proposes a Community Working Group may choose to either commit to being the Board Chair of the Community Working Group or may simply propose the Community Working Group and encourage other Board members to Chair it. However, a Community Working Group cannot move forward without a Board Chair.
  • A shareholder who proposes a Community Working Group will, if approved by the Board, have a member of the Board identified as the Board Chair
  • In proposing a Community Working Group, the shareholder or Board member must include:
  • An overarching purpose/goal for the Community Working Group
  • A proposed timeframe for when the Community Working Group will accomplish its goal
  • A proposed structure for the Community Working Group
  • Estimated funding needs for the Community Working Groups project(s)
  • A plan for recruiting shareholders to the Community Working Group that ensures equal opportunity to participate for all shareholders
  • The Board member or shareholder who is proposing the Community Working Group should submit their proposal to the Board for the creation of the Community Working Group. Community Working Groups should be proposed at least 1 month prior to when the project needs to launch.
  • Once the Community Working Group is proposed, Board members will promptly (within a 1-2 week period) review and respond with questions and feedback on the proposal
  • Then, the proposing shareholder or Board member will promptly (within a 1-2 week period) revise the original proposal, incorporating Board feedback.
  • Finally, the proposing shareholder or Board member will share the revised Community Working Group proposal and the Board will vote on whether to approve the creation of the Community Working Group.
  • If the motion to create the Community Working Group passes, the proposing shareholder or Board member will move forward to launch the Community Working Group and the project or workstream as laid out in the approved proposal which will serve as the Community Working Groups' charter going forward.

    Additional Information about Community Working Groups:

    - The Board has final approval on budgets/spending for the work of any Community Working Group (in voting to approve the creation of a Community Working Group, the Board is committing to some level of investment in the project but is not committed to fund any proposed items the Community Working Group may set forth., and reserves the right to require revisions to the budget or veto specific spending items if they do not seem financially prudent for the coop.

    - Proposing shareholders or Board members should endeavor to include an array of shareholders and/or residents in their work (ideally the same 3 people aren't on all Community Working Groups). The Board reserves the right to deny membership to a Community Working Group to any shareholders or residents not in good standing with the coop and will review all proposed members prior to Community Working Group formations.

    - Most projects/workstreams should have a clearly defined timeframe to accomplish goals.

    - In the event that a Community Working Group /project is ongoing at the time of a Board transition and the Board Chair for the Community Working Group transitions off of the Board, the Board will work with the Community Working Group to identify a new Board Chair. The previous Board Chair can/should still stay actively involved in the work as a member of the Community Working Group should they desire to do so and so long as they are in good standing with the coop.

    - Any item requiring a vote by the Board pertaining to Community Working Groups will move forward if the majority of the Board votes in favor of the motion.

Working Group Proposal

I propose the creation of a new
Community Working Group for 1 Ascan.

Your Name and Apt Number
Phone number
Email address

Purpose / Goal

Describe the overall purpose of
the Community Working Group.

What specifically will they be tasked with?

What is the goal this
Community Working Group
will achieve?

How will this Community Working Group
support the Board and shareholders of the coop?


Within what timeframe/by when
will the above purpose/goal be achieved?

Member number estimate

Number of Community Working Group members:
Approximately how many members are needed
to support this project or workstream?

Budget considerations

What approximate funding may be necessary
for the project/workstream this
Community Working Group will need?

[For Board members proposing
Community Working Groups only.
Shareholders proposing Community Working Groups
will be assigned a Board Chair by the Board
if their proposal is approved]

Board Chair proposed

If approved, do you intend to Chair
this Community Working Group?
If not, have you identified another Board member
willing to serve as Chair? If so, who?

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  For questions or to send input...


Version:  06/07/23  

(c) copyright 2023 Quinn Corporate Services, Inc.